Analysis Of The Development Of An Early Detection System For Cryptographic-Based Ransomware Attacks In A Cloud Environment
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In the digital era, ransomware attacks have become a significant threat to security systems, especially in cloud computing environments. These attacks encrypt victim data and demand ransom, causing considerable financial and operational losses. This Study aims to develop a cryptography-based early detection system for ransomware attacks to protect data in cloud environments. Using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach, this Study analyzes literature related to ransomware attacks, cryptographic algorithms, and cloud security. Data are obtained from indexed journals, books, and conferences.
The Study's results showed that the implementation of cryptographic algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ransomware detection. This system managed to reduce detection time by 48.28%, increase the success rate of data protection from 60% to 95%, and almost double the amount of data protected. This implementation strengthens data security, minimizes the impact of ransomware, and ensures the continuity of cloud user operations. The implications of this Study support the existing literature on the importance of cryptography in mitigating digital security threats while providing practical guidance for organizations in adopting this technology. Further research is recommended to integrate cryptographic algorithms with technologies such as blockchain to increase the scale and complexity of data protection in a broader cloud environment.
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