Jurnal Impresi Indonesia is an national scientific journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open acces journal published monthly by CV Riviera Publishing.

Jurnal Impresi Indonesia provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined.
The journal publishes research articles covering all aspects of social sciences, ranging from Management, Education, Economics, chemistry, Law and Sains that belong to the social context

Journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: 10.58344 ) with Online ISSN 2810-062X and Print ISSN 2828-1284

Publication Frequency: 12 Issues per year (monthly)

Language: Indonesian, English

Level of Publication: International

The journal has been listed in:

Vol. 3 No. 9 (2024)

Published: 2024-09-20

Criminal Liability of Online Gambling Perpetrators in Indonesia According to the Electronic Information and Transactions Law

View: 30 747-761

The Effect of Product Quality, Price and Sales Location of Nugin Lamping Tofu on Consumer Satisfaction

View: 18 737-746

Increased Competitiveness of Indonesia's Rubber Rubber Exports After The Enactment of ACFTA (Asean-China Free Trade Agreement)

View: 39 758-770

Analysis of the Effect of Fixed Asset Intensity, Leverage, and Liquidity on Fixed Asset Revaluation in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

View: 25 771-786

Educational Thought of K.H. Ahmad Shohibul Wafa Tajul 'Arifin and its Implementation in the Institution Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School

View: 19 787-795

The Effect of Memorable Tourism Experience on Storytelling Behavior and Revisit Intention in Jatiluwih Tourism Village

View: 48 685-704
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