Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-03-25

Strategy Management Analysis in Carrying out VLR by BAPPEDA Lampung Province in Efforts to Report SDGs Achievements

View: 210 184-194

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Wardah Cosmetics Advertisement

View: 311 260-266

Implementation Protection Consumer Passenger Jabodebek LRT Transportation at Halim Station According to Constitution

View: 94 235-242

Laporan Evaluasi Safety Maturity Level

View: 568 267-276

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Early Detection of Epidural Hematoma

View: 167 208-214

Law Enforcement for Perpetrators of Sexual Harassment of Elementary School Students from a Criminal Justice Perspective

View: 180 215-223

Learning Methods According to Modern Obaidat

View: 109 255-259

The Influence of TikTok Shop Service Quality on Consumer Loyalty Regarding Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, and Behavioral Intention

View: 1872 195-207

Application of Eco-Democracy to Environmental Legal Protection Post-Mining Reclamation in Indonesia

View: 141 224-234

Study of the Development Potential of Geospatial-Based PSEL (Waste Processing into Electrical Energy) Areas

View: 60 243-254